
ICT -why not culture and creativity for seniors? 2020-2022

Projektet på svenska
Erasmus+ project card

The world stopped in an unpredictable situation. Many of us have the impression that we live in at least two different realities. Real life, often limited to a narrow group of people and a few places; and virtual, where you can contact the whole world, but you can’t touch it.

How to find a place for yourself, not to stay aside, take part in events, co-decide, stay creative, despite numerous barriers and many limitations?

By implementing the project “ICT – why not culture and creativity for seniors?” the partnership will try to answer these questions.
The project is a joint initiative of five partners – NGOs from Poland (SIE –, Turkey (TROYA, Germany (SLO, Sweden (MobilEducation – / and Finland (Tiedetila –

The project is implemented in the frame of Erasmus+ Adult education.

Important for seniors

Each partner provides education in topics related to sustainable development as well in terms of the environment as intellectual human development. Seniors are an important group of recipients of those education. Their life situation, social activity and digital skills vary from country to country. Equally important for all of them is the strong need for a sense of community across borders, intercultural dialogue, discussion about how to act so as not to harm nature and the environment, or dialogue about tradition and identity. Modern technologies enable contacts regardless of the situation in which the world finds itself.

The aim

The partnership aimed to develop attractive content and methods to improve skills and use of ICT to participate in culture and develop seniors´ creativity.

What is very Important – seniors will be co-creators and partners of activities in accordance with the principle of the new learning culture: “Do not teach a tree how to grow. Just give him earth, sun and water”.
Activities carried out in the project include transnational partners meetings as well as local workshops and meetings with seniors.
Their goal is to exchange experiences, learn about best practices and work on the results of partnership cooperation.
Five project outcomes have been planned:

  • Digital stories told by seniors
  • E-guide about sensors for seniors
  • E-tutorial teaching creative observation of nature
  • Online courses on creative writing
  • Database of best practices and useful contacts

All results, in English and the partners’ languages, will be published on the partners’ websites and the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform and will be available to the public.